Friday, June 22, 2012

Facebook Wars

If you hang around on Facebook, you will have noticed dealers and selling a lot of Unique glass & amber beads by posting photos on Facebook or hosting "Facebook Unique Parties". This can be a great way to score a fun bead, especially if you don't have a LD nearby that carries uniques. But beware! The competition for the beads can get pretty intense between collectors, so have a thick skin going in.

The World Tour beads were released June 15th. I think it was great of Trollbeads to co-ordinate the worldwide release for the same date, not an easy task! There seems to be a shortage of Blooming Sakura & Skyline glass beads, two of the more popular WT releases. The gold & silver "Love is Timeless" watch bead as well. So if you need one now would be a good time to go on the hunt as they are only available for a short time.