Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Fall Release Video

The Fall 2012 Trollbeads has been released, as you should have noticed by the fact that your email inbox was probably bombarded by various sources & shops eager to be the first to announce it. Take a moment to travel to: to enjoy the Fall release video, or just use the link below.

They also have a guide to help you determine which Chinese Zodiac you are, which is helpful as the Chinese New Year doesn't coincide with the Julian calendar (AKA our Jan 1st) so you need to look at more than just the year.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Facebook Wars

If you hang around on Facebook, you will have noticed dealers and selling a lot of Unique glass & amber beads by posting photos on Facebook or hosting "Facebook Unique Parties". This can be a great way to score a fun bead, especially if you don't have a LD nearby that carries uniques. But beware! The competition for the beads can get pretty intense between collectors, so have a thick skin going in.

The World Tour beads were released June 15th. I think it was great of Trollbeads to co-ordinate the worldwide release for the same date, not an easy task! There seems to be a shortage of Blooming Sakura & Skyline glass beads, two of the more popular WT releases. The gold & silver "Love is Timeless" watch bead as well. So if you need one now would be a good time to go on the hunt as they are only available for a short time.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

OOAK Glass

Diamonds4ever has some lovely Trollbeads Uniques up today. Sometimes it is nice to just buy a single glass bead to perk up your bracelet, or to fill in some color gaps in your collection. Take a peek!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Attn TBHQ, We do shop Internationally! Duh!

JOYFUL! People are freaking out everywhere about this. So here is what I know:

1) If you can't wait, buy one now from: Joyful has been released in the UK as a Ltd Edition timed to correspond with their Mother's Day. But you may pay more than in your country, and there is shipping too.

2) If you are like me and prefer to dance on the knife's edge, (well, I like to think of myself as a daring & risk taking Trollie,) put your faith in the rumors that this bead will be coming to the US, Canada, South Africa, Denmark, NL, Germany, Italy & other places soon. For North America, it will coincide with our Mother's Day in May, so late April release is probable.

3) If you are absolutely annoyed that Trollbeads HQ in Denmark did not take the advice from my past Blog post, and time Ltd Edition releases to be the same date WORLDWIDE, then email them or post on their FB site to let them know. Why bother? Because our local dealers lose business when everyone orders their Joyfuls from the UK, which makes it harder for Trollbeads retailers to be in business, which makes it less likely they'll keep carrying Trollbeads, which means we can't pick our beads in real life, which would make us sad, which would make me sad, etc etc etc.

So let's not let Joyful make us all SAD, and contact TBHQ and your TB distributors to let them know your opinions. This is the internet age, we all shop online, PayPal and international shipping options are our best friends & we all are on International Forums. Trollbeads, please dig your heads out of the sand & stop treating us like we don't know how to turn on a computer. Sigh....

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Eske Eye Candy

Oh you naughty ladies! It's not what you think! ;) Here is a picture of my current Eske bracelet, most of the silvers are designed by him. He will have his own online shop up & running soon, so stay tuned...

(silvers: Thor's hammer, World Tour Denmark Viking Ship, Fabled Faces, retired Viking, the small Sleipner Drum from his own work, and the Elephant Lock.)

Eske Storm on Facebook

Eske is on Facebook! Follow the link & LIKE his new page:!/pages/Eske-Storm-Goldsmith-Design/229975643749477

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Attn. US Fans

Find the details about the Valentine's Trunk Show deals on Trollbeads US's Facebook page:!/TrollbeadsUS?sk=app_275817399152934

Attn. Hong Kong Fans

Hong Kong fans: Excellent promotional deal was spotted on the Trollbeads Hong Kong's Facebook page. Check it out:!/Trollbeadshongkong

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Valentine, be mine!

Valentine's Day. Let's face it boys, if you want to make her happy, the only currency your bead-obsessed lady is likely to accept is, well, more beads. So I've chosen a few ideas for you, that will step out of the cliche "Pink & Hearts" type of gifts.

For the girl that has every bead, try a Trollbeads ring! The Baby's Breath and the Daisy are two of my favorites, just make sure to get a gift receipt so she can exchange the size. Another great idea (and often overlooked) is a Safety Chain and/or stopper beads. They are a must for any girl's bracelet but one of those not-fun type of Trollbeads items that she may need.

A few of my other picks: Swan Lock (very romantic), Glass Trolls or 3 Flowers with the dichroic glass, these may be beads she won't buy herself but the dichroic adds a new dimension to a bracelet. For a more traditional gift, the Bright Red Prism, Pearl Tassel, Cute Teddy silver, or the White Heart (black & white) glass bead are in keeping with the love theme but versatile too and can work into many color schemes.

I really love the White Petals glass bead, with lavender and white on clear glass. This is soft & pretty and perfect for the girl who hates pink but likes pastels. The faceted black Onyx gemstone and the new Red Tiger's Eye are a sure hit for darker colors. If she doesn't have one in her beadbox yet, the Ltd Edition Troll Coin is a great collectors item too.

If you are feeling the "Star Crossed Lovers" vibe, or just want her to be really impressed, why not give her the silver Sparkling Star silver bead or splurge for the Gold & Silver Stars bead. Then Google Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, be inspired by the bit about "two star crossed lovers" and write it in the card.

For you US boys, Trollbeads US is having a Valentine's Day promotion with some great offers. February 10th to 14th, you can get a Free bracelet with purchase of Decorated clasp, Buy 3 get the 4th free on beads, and $50 off gold/silver (over $250) or $100 off a gold bead (over $500). You can pre-order online at several shops, but try or locate your nearest dealer on

If you really want to impress her, consider ordering the Limited Edition RAF Benevolent Fund Heart Bead from the U.K. You can preorder from

Of course it won't arrive by Valentine's Day, but that's OK, she won't mind receiving a "consolation" bead until it arrives. ;)

Monday, February 6, 2012

New Eske Storm Dealer

Eske's new "Four Foxes" bead, courtesy of

I really love Eske Storm. If the name doesn't ring a bell for you, he has designed the "viking" theme beads for Trollbeads, including Migaard Serpent, Viking, Fabled Faces, and the Elephant Lock to name a few. It's long overdue, but I'd like to share a new webpage that is selling more of Eske's work. These are his own work, not under Trollbeads, but with TBHQ retiring a few of his designs recently, here is a great place for you to get your Eske fill.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tip of the Day

If you didn't order your Coffee Cup from the Austria World Tour release, don't. Especially if you'd prefer a smaller version. ;)

11 days until the new release!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lazy Days of... Spring!

I've been lazy, not posting over the holidays and have been steadily watching my daily hits falling from 400 to about, oh 80 or so. Naughty! But I'm back with some news... Oh yes! Oh yes, I've seen the Spring beads. You will be very, very pleased with them. This is a really stellar release, but enough gushing and some dirt for you:

Greens & Creams dominate the glass, with some burgundy shades to co-ordinate with the silver core Ruby. Yes this stone finally makes it into the "peasant" budget by ditching the expensive gold core for more sensible silver. A Cream Armadillo dominates - (remember those lovely Chai Buds & Glass Stones that we miss so much???) - well someone at TBHQ was listening and although not quite the same as our old favorites, you'll be pleased with the new spring cream glass.

The silvers are amazing; among my favorites are a silver elongated Phoenix bird to captivate your imagination, a leaping rabbit in the style of "Decorated Bird" from the Fall release, a small silver Flowers bead offered in gold or silver, and some bending-the-mind barrel silver beads that offer a new look from anything we've seen before. The Double Heart clasp is a must, and re-invents the design of the past TB locks. I think this will be a crowd pleaser.

No, I haven't stolen any pictures to share with you. Well, I have, but quite frankly the fan-sponsored forums do a much better job of sharing the sneak peeks & details these days. They've almost put my blog out of business. So I'm just going to summarize a few tips for everyone who doesn't have the time to regularly read the forums/FB groups:

Jan 27th - Spring Release and WorldWide Price Increase

I've had many requests for the Retirement list. Please refer to this excellent blog by a Canadian retailer for the info on the Jan 2012 retirements:

If you aren't on FACEBOOK you need to sign up. Trollbeads US has been running daily contests giving away the new Ltd Edition China Zodiac beads.