Thursday, October 21, 2010

Free Speak about Trollbeads!

If you are looking to join a new collector ran Trollbeads forum, please check out:

Because it is a free forum ran by collectors, you can post your bracelet photos with beads that are non-troll, speak freely about upcoming Trollbeads releases that you have heard about, and post pics of beads that you may have bought before "official" release dates.

It might be a nice supplement to your existing Forum habit. If you don't have one, just Google Trollbeads Forum and a few results should come up. Most are sponsored by a real brick & mortar store and have restrictions on posting, but it is a great way to meet other collectors, hear about TB news, see design inspirations, & enrich your collector's knowledge.

New Release???

We know, well most of us who spend too much time on Trollbeads Forums know, that the Picasso Japsers are to be released in the US Nov. 1st - and are already in shops in Germany & Netherlands. BUT - on Trollbeads Australia's page on Facebook they have written this tantalizing clue on October 17th:

"Trollbeads Australia Trollbeads will have a new release of beads and
charms. We will share this with you shortly. We absolutely love the new

What could this mean??????????